Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy uses low-level red light wavelengths to stimulate cellular function in the body. It has been studied for its potential to support not only physical health, but mental health. Since NAASA discovered the benefits of light therapy over 40 years ago there have been over 4,000 Peer Reviewed studies on the many benefits for the human body and brain.


Better Overall Health

Better sleep, elevated mood, relaxation, skin health, improve cellular health, decrease inflammation, speed muscle recovery, improve Learn about all the things red light therapy can do for you.


Ah, the joy of a good night’s sleep. But with job stress and the fast pace of life, sleep can be allusive. Learn how red light therapy can help you sleep well and wake rested.

Daily Performance
Waking rested doesn’t just mean a good morning, it impacts your entire day. Learn how red light therapy can help you feel energized and ready to go.
Reduce inflammation/Speed Healing
Red or near-infrared light encourages cells to make antioxidants faster and lower inflammatory markers. Soft laser therapy can increase circulation to help relieve inflammatory conditions without drugs or surgery.
Healthy Skin

Red light therapy helps improve some common skin conditions, including; Improve wound healing, Reduce stretch marks, Reduce wrinkles, fine lines and age spots, Improve facial texture, Improve psoriasis, rosacea and eczema, Improve scars, Improve sun-damaged skin

Improve Mitocondria and Cell Health

Red and near-infrared light can penetrate the skin and act on mitochondria through stimulation of a molecule called cytochrome C oxidase. This molecule is part of the mitochondrial electron transport chain that produces ATP. Red and near-infrared light enhance the efficiency of the mitochondrial electron transport chain and energy production. By doing so, red/near-infrared light therapy also improves cellular signaling by ROS and triggers cellular changes that lead to beneficial cellular responses, including enhanced antioxidant defenses and improved cellular functioning