Cold Plunge Therapy

Cold Plunge Therapy

Cold plunge therapy is a form of hydrotherapy that involves immersing yourself in cold water for a brief period of time. When exposed to cold water, your blood vessels narrow and your heart rate increases which decreases inflammation, improves circulation, and increases the production of feel-good endorphins.


Elevated Energy
Your job requires so much energy. It can leave you exhausted and feeling run down. Learn how cold plunge therapy can help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle any obstacle in your path!
Stress Relief
The job comes with stress, that’s a given. But don’t let that stress impact your performance or your health. Learn how cold plunge therapy can help you cope with, and overcome, stress.
Boosted Mood
You know what they say, attitude is everything. But sometimes it can be hard to keep smiling. Learn how cold plunge therapy can boost your mood and support an overall positive attitude.
Immune Support
You’re always on the go. You’re facing unique stressors. It’s easy for your body to get run down, which leaves you susceptible to illness. Learn how cold plunge therapy can support a strong immune system.
Decrease Inflammation
Inflammation, whether from injury or illness can slow you down. Learn how cold plunge therapy can reduce inflammation and help with chronic pain.
Improve Mental Health
Your mental health goes hand in hand with your physical health, but often we don’t focus enough on our mental health. Learn how cold plunge therapy acn support your overall mental health.
Mental Resilience
In a fast paced world, it’s important to be able to bounce back from stressors and rise again to conquer the next obstacle. Earn how cold plunge therapy can help build mental resilience.